Monday, July 6, 2015

2015 DR Discipleship Trip Day: 7

Location: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Jara Bacoa, Dominican Republic

Praise God! Bronco's van has WiFi!!

This morning Andrew and Roger's made a breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese and ham, it was tasty and perfect to start the day. After breakfast we work on the plan to head out to Jara Bacoa. First a team would leave to go get groceries from Bravo Market and a team would stay to clean the house. I stayed to clean. Bronco was to arrive at 10:30am but it's the DR, so we began to place bets on when we'd end up leaving:

12:45pm - Connor
1:00pm - Emanuel
1:15pm - Josh
1:30pm - Knepps
1:45pm - Jessie
2:00pm - Rogers
2:15pm - Andrew
3:00pm - Janie
4:00pm - Patrick

After hearing the totals Josh and I said we'd put money on Janie's 3pm guess. But after a few minutes Mr. R came over to say that if we left after 12:30pm then we could not go to Típico Bonao. This spurred us into much action.

The shopping group left after they put their suit cases in the living room and we started cleaning right away. Sweeping, laundry, dishes, counters, sheets, packing, and all things cleaning an apartment. We finished cleaning by 11:45am. Bronco arrived at 10:30 on the dot, this shocked all of us!! Patrick went down to see him and invite him up. Turns out that the trailer didn't have a lock, so he couldn't leave it alone. So Patrick stayed with him for a while, and we sent down a quadruple decker sandwich for Bronco.

While we waited for the shopping team to get back Josh's uncle and cousin came over, that was fun. Then we drank some of the juice they gave us when we first arrived in the DR. When they left we went to the girls room and everyone laid down and played dead till the shoppers got back.

When they arrived we loaded up the food into Bronco's van and packed everyone in then headed 12:25!!!!!! Típico Bonao here we come!! Then we stopped at Patrick's house for his guitar. Then we stopped at the Santana's house to give back a towel and pick up a foot pump for air beds. Then we got slightly turned around. Then finally headed out around 12:37, but it's okay because we're driving to Jara Bacoa!!!!!

Jessie Bear

Hebrews 2:18
"For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted."

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