I had a running goal of a 5k in under half an hour, I ran the 5k, but due to it being combined with a marksmanship competition, it was far from the half hour half of the goal. I joined the Knight's Cross Country team in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. They inspire me every week of season and off season. I remember the first week of running with them, we were to run a warm up mile (previously my best run was round 1.3 miles), 6 half mile repeats (that is we ran a half mile, rest for 2 or 3 minutes, run another half mile), then a cool down mile. If you kept count that was 5 miles during the practice. I was slow and only ended up logging 4 miles, but that was 3 miles further than any other day I'd ever done. In my book anything that is 400% improvement is AWESOME! I think the longest day on the 2015 season was 6 miles in practice, but the most brutal day for me was the day of the timed mile. I warmed up with 1 mile before the team arrived, did their 1 mile warm up, 1 mile timed, 1 mile cool down. Because, again, I'm slower than the team it seemed that I didn't get chances to stop running and breath, but I didn't give up. That was my personal goal, to never quit, no matter what. It burned, let it, I never quit.
Facebook and Twitter
I made the goal of staying off Facebook and Twitter for a
whole year. That one was the easiest of all my goals, literally because I
didn't have to do anything to maintain the goal. I loved it, it was
awesome! I've logged back in on Facebook but hardly go on there, I
turned off the notifications so that they wouldn't drive me nuts. I have
Messenger, and that's been interesting. I wish people could see how
much they chat each other instead of actually verbally speaking. You can
tell me all day how you could survive a month without social media, but
until you DO IT, then you are all talk and no walk. Are you going to
talk the talk or can you stand to walk the walk?
No caffeine for the year wasn't one I kept up, I did back
off the amount a lot, but not a 100% purge from my life. I have no
regrets with that one. I'm happy with my current consumption of coffee.
But I'll say this of going off of caffeine for a while, I realized what
addiction is and what it means to break it off. Migraines, weakness,
cravings, the whole deal, and it was amazing to discover what it feels
like to be addiction free! Now, coffee, soda, teas, it is a choice a
decision based on my mind instead of an impulse or "need" for the hit. Caffeine is again effective for a stimulant rather than just a taste.
Reading and Praying
My goals for reading my Bible and Praying more were
successful! I am thankful for those goals, and will always be working on
them. I not have a print out that allows me to color in bubbles when I
read each chapter in my Bible because I don't like trying to read
"straight through the Bible in a year", I'd rather soak up the word than
blow through it. If you can read that fast and absorb the Truths, then
that's epic! But I wonder how many do it for the bragging rights of "I
read the Bible in a year, can you?" instead of trudging through a book
and digging in deep to grow. Grow your roots deep, seek the deepest
water, then you can weather the roughest storms.
I had a goal of writing and keeping a journal for the year.
I did! I was and am soooooo happy about my progress and consistency. I
was given a journal for my 24th birthday this year and I've been using
it as a "convictions" journal. So when I am convicted about something,
for example needing to be more consistent with my prayer life I'll write
it in my journal with a date. Hopefully as I go through the year I will
be able to go back and read the convictions and see how God has grown
me in them.
Happy Valentines Day!
"I am my beloved's,
and his desire is for me."
Song of Solomon 7:10
I don't want to rock the boat,
I mean to sink it.
~ Andy Mineo
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