Thursday, November 7, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 7 - Plot Twists

Hey NaNo Night Owls,

It's now a week in to this challenge, it's time for a plot twist!

In reality, we get these on a daily basis. We may have a schedule, and something comes up and the days events all get altered due to that one something. This can (and should!) happen to your characters, because remember, they need to be believable.

Is Frank out driving, dealing with the mundane daily commute...fender bender, late for work, boss is upset...

Is Simon fishing, bored out of his mind...then a man tells him to leave his family and follow him...

Is Tasha out hiking through beautiful Yellowstone, enjoying the peaceful view...and startles a bear, with cubs...

Is Ron a thief who just stole 1.8 million dollars in diamonds, because his family is held hostage...only they are fake diamonds...

Plot twists don't need to be horrific, or ruining, or a turn for the worse, but they do need to alter the story in some way.

I can think of no better plot twist in all of history as when Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

If He had remained dead, the Bible would have just been moral stories, but by His resurrection, He solidified His claim of deity. Because if He really did rise from death, thus accomplishing something impossible, and thus something only God can do, then He truly is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

It was a series of plot twists.

A God who needed nothing, no one, and lacked nothing, created the world and mankind. (Genesis 1)

Then man sins, and brings death into the world. (Genesis 3)

God preserves Noah and his family when He floods the entire world. (Genesis 6-8)

God calls Abram to be a nation for His own. (Genesis 12)

Joseph is sold into bondage (by his very own brothers!) in Egypt. (Genesis 37)

The Hebrew people, God's people, are slaves in Egypt, but God raises up Moses (a Hebrew) in Pharaoh's own house, to deliver His people. (Exodus 1-14)

Moses, chosen by God, gives the Ten Commandments, the Law, to the Hebrews. (Exodus 20)

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is born of a Virgin. (Matthew 1)

Jesus Christ claims to be God. (Matt 7:2; John 5:17-47, 6:35-51, 8:12-30, 10:29-30)

Jesus is crucified. (Luke 23)

Jesus resurrects Himself. (Luke 24)

oh, there are so many, many epic plot twists in Scripture, such a beautiful reality that God has woven.

Now, go, in the last few hours of the day, go, write in your plot twists!

John 10:30
"I and the Father are one."

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