Thursday, November 28, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 28 - Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving Day.

It's a day where American's will consume approximately 51 million turkeys...

There are probably hundreds of blog posts today about the history of Thanksgiving Day, and posts about how to cook a turkey, or how we should not celebrate any patriotic and religious holiday.

This is a post not about how to cook a turkey, nor about the history of Thanksgiving, or whether or not to celebrate religious or political holidays, rather this is a post of thanksgiving to God.

During this month you have been writing diligently to finish a novel totaling in at least 50k words. You've probably given up things such as sleep, games, free time, tv, Facebook, or other things that you enjoy. You've sacrificed these things so that you might accomplish your goals.

But stop for a moment.

Turn your gaze from your novel and your short life, and look up and realize, the last month has been a blessing from God.

Here is a list of somethings that I am thankful for during this month.

- The chance to write a blog post (almost…except this last week) every day, it's taught me about diligence and accountability. It's blessed me by learning that I need to stay focused on Christ, because people are watching me every moment of every day.

- A intermittent WiFi signal. I often have to turn off my WiFi, and turn it back on. It's helped me to become more patient and to be okay with not having lightening fast internet.

- Warm blankets and a warm home. It's been getting below freezing, and I am very thankful that God has blessed me with a warm place to live.

- The ability and freedom to post Scripture all over the internet.

- I am thankful for the wonderful and inspiring group of NaNo's that I get to work with everyday! They are a blessing to me.

- I am thankful for a family that understands my obsession with NaNo.

-  I have a super manly brother who went out in the cold to scrape the ice off my car's windshield for me, without me even asking!

- A warm kitty to pet when I'm stressed out.

- A very encouraging CollegePlus coach, who pushes me to accomplish a big goal and my small goals.

- I am very thankful for a group of young ladies, we pray weekly together. It's been highly encouraging to me as well as taught me so very much.

- I was blessed and thankful to hear the Oklahoma Baptist Symphony play this month. It's awesome to hear music that glorifies Christ.

-  Talking about coupons late into the night, with Mrs. Castille's Mother.

- Struggling to do half a chin up with my brother cheering me on. Playing in the park with him. I am very thankful for this.

Tell me, please comment with things that have blessed you lately, what are you thankful for?

Philippians 4:4-7
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

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