Saturday, November 2, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 2 - Tie up the inner editor.

Mornin' Nano's,

I hope you got some sleep, it is important that you do get enough sleep. Your family and/or boss want you to get sleep, so that you are not grumpy.

So, good morning everyone!

Grammar Nazis and CDO (OCD put in its proper alphabetical order), this post is for you!! :D

I did NaNo in 2011 and was horribly unsuccessful. One of my problems was that I couldn't just keep writing; I had to keep going back and fix all the mistakes and problems.

NaNos, don't make that mistake, here is a short list of things you SHOULD fix as you write:


Here is a short list of things that you SHOULD not fix as you write:

Unexpected plot twists,
Timeline mistakes,
Contradictory events,
Killing a character by accident (don't worry, it happens to us all),

There are a lot of things you could do, but remember, you are under a tight time limit. So, if you make a very small mistake, fix it, but if it is large, skip it and wait for December.

WRITE in November....EDIT in December.

Here are some things for a smile...

 Because you needed reminded how words worked...

Yeah, be sure to exterminate your inner editor...

GUIDELINES....remember, it's okay to make mistakes, you will have plenty of time to fix them later!

Proverbs 17:28
"Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent."

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